Is Your Site “Google-Friendly”?


Does your site rank high enough?

Many times we forget that creating a website involves much more than just great-looking graphics. Search Engine ‘spiders’ crawl your site looking for certain things, but since it cannot see things as a human can, certain things act as roadblocks. By finding and correcting all the ‘roadblocks’, you make it possible for the search engines to find, crawl and index every detail of your site, making it easier for your potential clients to find you when they search.

In future posts, we will take a more in-depth look at some individual things that you can be on the lookout for that can help your site’s search engine ranking.

If you CANNOT wait. . .

If you simply can’t wait, you can do a search for “Google-friendly websites” or “Search-engine friendly websites“. Or, you can read directly from Google the good, the bad and the ugly: Google-friendly sites – Webmaster Tools Help.

Designed on Purpose will also be happy to assist you by analyzing your site and providing you with a full report highlighting any trouble areas. You can then implement any recommended changes or have your webmaster take care of them for you. (Of course, we are always happy to assist with any changes that need to be made as well.) Simply fill out the contact form below or visit:

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